domingo, maio 01, 2005

Conversas que tenho comigo - I

Let me see if I get it right: we come to live with a choice and a purpose. The purpose is our choice decided, the choice will be also to manifest that same purpose. All this lies in the mist of free-will sea. But fate and destiny may be also implied as a way of assuring those same guidelines of living, our desires, our ideals and our feelings. If we opt to neglect them (according to free-will, this choice is possible), we will suffer and thus rethink and change ourselved to serve that higher purpose we idealistic choose in life.

Ah! Let me say another important thing!
All of this that I just said, is plain illusion. Life is plain illusion albeit a very profound and persistent one (we choose it) and yet lost in these metaphysical discussions we do not more than finding ourselves and moving our paths. But only that. Let us not lose ourselves neither in extreme philosophy nor in extreme pragmatism.

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