sexta-feira, janeiro 05, 2007

Poll - Referendo sobre o aborto

Coloquei uma poll sobre o próximo referendo de dia 11 de Fevereiro.
Votem para ter uma ideia de como são as opiniões de quem visita o Estrelas do Mar.

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2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

look for the word "illegal" under

paulo disse...

Thanks for your input Johan :)

We dont need to vote a yes to give women (and the men) that have committed illegal abortion psychological care and support.

An unethical abortion is an unethical act, point.
We will not make legal a killing just because we want to give support to the murderer. No. In fact we should clearly help and give support to the murderer while continue to assume that murdering is an illegal act.

The question is: is abortion also an illegal killing of a human being?
Everyone should judge for him/herself. Clearly at the tenth week the embryo is no more an embryo, it is a fetus and has nervous system being formed for already three to four weeks. And has human appearance. These are the raw scientific facts. For me it appears it is an human being well ahead in development and should not be killed at that time!

I will not close my eyes towards that fact. But again, everyone of course should judge this and other facts for her/himself.
In fact, the political parties that I support more are all suggesting for the yes, but for me this is a purely ethical and moral question.

Thanks for your input and may everyone think about this too...